Sunday, October 9, 2011

Generation 2 Prologue: Amanda Vista

“Wow. They’re so stupid they need each other’s help just to play on a playground!” Brian scoffed, bursting out in a fit of laughter. Brianna, his twin sister, smiled out of politeness at her brother’s rude humor while casting a sorrowful look in my direction. 
Life with Brian and Brianna as my best friends was basically a relationship constructed of lies. For all they knew, I was part of a completely normal family as an only child, much too busy on the weekends to even consider having my friends come over. But I was really just a little girl who was afraid of people knowing who she really was, that her two siblings had mental disabilities and that her mother had killed off her little brother.  

“Right, Mandy? Isn’t that pathetic?” Brian insisted, a cold gleam in his eyes.
“Uh, yeah. Totally,” I murmured. 
Not fooled by my answer, Brian barked, “Sometimes I don’t even know why I hang around with you guys. You’re such losers!” Bri and I watched as he stormed off in his usual fit of rage, talking to himself like a mad scientist all the while.

“You know he was just kidding,” Bri soothed, covering up for her brother’s behavior.
“I know,” I agreed.
“He’s just… I don’t know, socially awkward, I guess. He doesn’t really think before he says stuff,” she looked off in the distance to where my siblings were playing.
“It’s just that sometimes I feel like-” The repetitive beeping of a nearby car cut me off, leaving me unable to express how I feel.
“That’s my dad, I have to go. See you tomorrow?” Bri was already sprinting off to her car before I even had the chance to respond.   

Immediately after their car left the school, I trudged over to where Bee and Aiden were thoroughly enjoying themselves. “Hey guys,” I greeted.
“Hi, Amanda,” Aiden answered, too preoccupied to carry on a conversation.
“Hi Sis,” Bee chirped. “What were you guys laughing about over there?”
Her question caught me completely off guard; I had absolutely no idea how to respond. Mom and Dad always told me to tell the truth but… “We were laughing at you and Aiden,” I whispered, “And how you’re so stupid that you need each other’s help to play on the playground.”

Bee’s expression instantly hardened, and what she stated next was so monotonous it sent chills down my spine, “It’s good to know that my own sister is just like everyone else in this messed up world.”


  1. Poor Amanda, she should have just lied O.o, and i feel bad for Bee & Aiden. Hopefully they will all get through this whole thing. Bee is beautiful btw!

  2. Amani and Concord taught her better than that. XD
    Thanks! <3
    I'm surprised she didn't get more votes, 'cause I thought she was really pretty, too! :3

  3. :O YOU BULLY, Amanda!!!!!
    That's it, you tell her, Bee! Woo! XD

  4. That was harsh. It's bad she's so ashamed of her family.

  5. Aww poor Amanda her best friends kind of suck, well I mean Bri seems fine, though her brother seems like he's going to turn out like Brock. e_e Anyway great start to generation 2, I can't wait to read more!

  6. XD
    Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :3

  7. Poor Amanda seems to have suffered the consequences of being in a family that has so many difficulties. But I have hope for her.

  8. Yeah. D:
    She'll turn out to be a good woman, with what I have planned so far. :)

  9. Yeah feel bad for Amanda, but her friends...well I guess they are children after all.

  10. Yeah, it's mostly just Brian... D:
    Brianna knows better. :?
    But still, it's bullying no matter who's doing it. :(
